Bekir K

Bekir Karlygа
Professor of Theology, author-researcher, Islamic philosopher, academic researcher.

In 1972 after graduating from the Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute he completed his undergraduate education in philosophy, which began at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature, Istanbul University. In the same year he began his doctoral dissertation at the Literary Department of Istanbul University in the Department of Philosophy in the history of Turkish-Islamic thoughts.

In 1980 he received the title of Doctor of Philosophy with the thesis “Pythagoras and Preocratic Philosophers in the Field of Islamic Resources and Philosophers”, prepared under the direction of Dr. Nihat Keklik, professor of the Department of History of Turkic-Islamic Thoughts of the Department of Philosophy of the Literary Department of Istanbul University.

In 1977 he continued his academic career as an assistant in philosophy and logic of the Istanbul Islamic Institute, in 1982 he was transferred to the theological faculty, was an assistant professor and head of the department of theology.

In 1984 he visited Paris and spent a year conducting research on the influence of Islamic thought on the West. He worked as the head of the department of Islamic philosophy at the theological faculty of the University of Marmara until 2008. He retired at his own request, worked here for 12 years.

After the retirement of Professor Dr. Bekir Karlyg, the Professor created the Center for Civilizational Research at the University of Bahçeşehir (Medam), the first academic center for civilizational research in Turkey. In the same year he was appointed Advisor to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the United Nations Coordination Council for Turkish Civilizations. In this regard, Fatih Sultan Mehmet created the Institute of the Alliance of Civilizations (MEDIT) of the Stock University.

He focused his research on the formation, development of Islamic thought and its contribution to universal thinking, conducted a study of the influence of Islamic thought on Western thought in Paris during the year. In general, about forty works on author translation were mainly translations of articles by the tafsir of the Qur’an and Ibn Qasir, as well as Tehafut Al-Falasif and Morocco.

Professor Bekir Karlyga participated in many international meetings of Turkey and foreign countries, led numerous master’s and doctoral dissertations and worked as a jury member in many dissertations.

His works:

The world of Evliya Celebi (collective, 2000), from the Islamic tradition to the present city and local government (2 volumes, team, 2005), the influence of Islamic thought on the West, religion and thought (2012), the Islamic thinker – Tunisia Hiredredd Pasha and Tanzimat (2013), religion and civilization (2012), understanding of the Quran (from Maudid, provorly, 2012), How to read the Quran (Muhammad Ali Kutuba, provorly, 2013), Atlas of Eulia Celebi (2013), enlightener Islam thinkers (2014), global exhibition of civilians (2016), the river flowing to the West (2017), Farabi – the thinker of civilization (2017), Al-Farabi – philosopher of Civilization (2017), City of Evliya Çelebi (tsz), the impact of Islamic thought on Western thought -I (tsz).