The book “the phenomenon of director Mambetov”
«Режиссер Мәмбетов феномені» кітабы 2-рет толықтырылып оқырманға жол тартты Бүгін Алматыда Қазақстан Республикасы Орталық мемлекеттік мұражайының бір бөлімі болып табылатын…
Unknown treatise by al-Farabi
We are happy to inform you that an orientalist, dean of the faculty of oriental studies of the Kazakh National…
The international cooperation
Within the framework of the Erasmus + program based on international cooperation between universities (Al-Farabi KazNU and Radboud University (Nijmegen,…
Cycle of public lectures – “Let there be a path to science”. Saidmukhtor Akilov
06/17/2021 at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, a series of public lectures on the theme “Let there be…
Cycle of public lectures – “Let there be a path to science”. Mirodil Khaidarov
06/17/2021 at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, a series of public lectures on the theme “Let there be…
Cycle of public lectures – “Let there be a path to science”. Khabibullo Sagdiev
06/17/2021 at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, a series of public lectures on the theme “Let there be…
Otyrar scientists
Халықаралық араб тілі ҒА академигі, филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, «Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ дамуына қосқан айрықша үлесі үшін» әл-Фараби Үлкен алтын…
Al-Farabi Conferences. Nakhichevan University 2-4 May 202
Online Participation and Presentation Is free Dear scientists, 2 different conferences will be organized jointly with Nakhichevan University and the ICSA…
World Day of Philosophy
World philosophy day was first proclaimed in 2005 at the 33rd session of the UNESCO General conference in Paris and…
Great Thinker of the East
As part of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, with the support of the Embassy of…
Sage of the Millennium
18 November 2020 The city information and library system of the city of Kokshetau organized an online conference “Sage of…