International scientifically-practical conference, devoted to 175 anniversary of classic of Kazakh and world literature Abai Kunanbaev «The spiritual heritage of Abay and al-Farabi: place and significance in peace civilization» Almaty, 17.04.2020

Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature of Philology and World Languages’ Faculty and Abai Institute of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to take part in the International scientifically-practical conference, devoted to 175 anniversary of classic of Kazakh and world literature Abai Kunanbaev, «The spiritual heritage of Abay and al-Farabi: place and significance in peace civilization», which takes place April, 17, 2020.

For participation in conference leading abai scholars, writers, scientific employees and teachers, young scientists of high schools and Scientific-research Institutes are invited.

Application forms for participation and materials direct to the address of: 050040, of Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue, 71, Al-Fafabi Kazakh National University, Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature.

Phone: 7(727) 377 33 33 (ext. 13-30) e-mail: