International online conference «HERITAGE OF AL-FARABI»

On May 14, 2020, Al-Farabi Center holds an international online conference on the theme “Heritage of Al-Farabi”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi. The conference will discuss current issues of studying the intellectual heritage of Al-Farabi in the context of the spiritual development of Kazakh society and the challenges of modern times.

Conference focus areas/sections:

  1. Treatises of al-Farabi: Problems of translation of philosophical texts and issues of intercultural communication.
  2. From “al-Madina al-Fadila” to Smart City: a modern interpretation of a perfect society.
  3. Actual issues of modern Kazakhstan farabi studies.

The terms of participation


To participate in the conference, you must send a completed application form and text of the report to by May 10th, 2020


Notice: The conference will be held on ZOOM platform.

ID: 401 818 0037