Tuleubaeva S. A.

Tuleubaeva Samal Abayevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

In 1998, she graduated with honors from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities of Sais-Fes University.Sidi Muhammad bin Abdillah (Fez, Kingdom of Morocco). In 2004, she graduated with honors from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Oriental Studies (Arabic department). In 2010, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Stratification of the linguistic personality of al-Farabi in the comparative-historical paradigm”. Historian of the second higher education.

Author of numerous articles, translations, and textbooks published in Kazakh, Russian, Arabic, English, and Turkish. The sphere of scientific interests of Tuleubayeva Samal Abayevna includes problems of Oriental studies, Arabic studies, Farabi studies, Islamic studies, general linguistics, language theory, history and culture of the countries of the East.